Tuesday, June 7, 2011


The first of my projects after coming out of sabbatical was the Fashion.Love.Earth campaign. My designer friend Janelle Forde of J.Angelique Designs and I conspired on this shoot and the particular look we'd go after to promote her new eco-friendly bags. Joining the project is talented makeup artist Dion Samuel who came to the shoot and delivered beautiful work.

Janelle along with her best friend Adafih were the models who donned the bags as the wardrobe! A very avant garde decision of Janelle's which gave a very unique but pleasing effect.

Be sure to check out her webpage!

Time Travel: Kendrick Kemp

If one remembers the previous post with Kendrick, you'd realize that the male beauty images were just the entrée to the visual meal. It's been a while in coming that I posted these images which were the main images for the job that day, a collaboration with art director Kai Jankovic and fashion stylist Yosiaha Fletcher. Shooting Kendrick is so easy you'll wish all shoots could go as smoothly. His movements inspire. Full stop. Many thanks to Jaysen Francis, the assistant photographer of the day and of course photographer Barry Williams who supported in other ways.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Time Travel: Horizon

I seem to be in a temporary trend of retroactive posting! It's all good though because I've found this to be a great learning experience. As a photographer you come to a point where you have so many photos on file that you never used you could probably pave a block! Doing some computer spring-cleaning I came across these images of Kristy Agar which I'd not published. Behind every photo is a story, not just in the poetic sense.

For those who follow my blog you'd recognize these pictures to be an off-shoot of the Kirk Thomas makeup art shoot. While Kirk was prepping the other model Kristy and I got up to the poolside and got into character. Looking closely at the photos you can see Kristy modeling to the very tips of her fingers. It would have been a crime to not let these images out.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Time Travel

Sometimes a trip back in time is healthy. We stumble upon things of sentimental value that can teach us a thing or two. Here's an image from a shoot in late 2009 where I began doing some experimental work. At that time a "ghost-blur" of the subject was really in-vogue and I had to try my hand.

Model: Ethan Gordon
MUA: Sudesh Ramsaran
Styling: Kai Jankovic

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Capturing Kendrick Kemp

Just a few weeks ago a colleague of mine asked me if I was interested in shooting a top Bahamian model. I asked the name, did some research and within the hour accepted. Kendrick's body of work was quite impressive and I looked forward to working with a true professional. What seemed like months away quickly became reality when last Friday we met on location for the shoot which entailed two parts: Male beauty portraits, and a Bang Bang T&T print ad campaign styled by Yosiaha Fletcher and directed by Kai Jankovic.

Nothing beats working with a crew of professionals towards a goal. The shoot which could have taken hours was finished in an hour and a half and proved most rewarding for each of us. Special thanks to my assistant Jaysen Francis who braved the hot sun, and stooping to awkward angles to provide fill light at request, and fellow photographer Barry Williams for the gracious loan of his camera. Most people don't understand it, but for a photographer a camera is an extension of ourselves and not something we trust just anyone with so the gesture was greatly appreciated. Photos from the other half will be posted subsequently after the print ad is run.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Art of Profling

Wow. By now everyone must think I'm particularly biased towards QRC alumni. But who cares? The school rocked and was laden with latent talents. Kadeem and I never spoke in school, but after seeing him at a Fashion Week casting, I was impressed by his facial features and expression of always being bothered. SURE beats people with nothing there and having to build momentum

The weeks after entailed verifying that my "eye"was working well in selecting him as a facial talent, and sorting out "the look" between him and myself. Thing came into shape a day or two before and the day of exectution...it RAINED...but all worked together for good. SPECIAL thanks to Shea Best for the gracious loan of the Nikon D5000 (of which I'm now considering purchasing one of) that turned out fantastic images.

Model: Kadeem Khan
Lighting Assistant: Jaysen Francis
Photography: Cecil Evans

Monday, May 24, 2010

Icarus Imprisoned

DEFINITELY one of my more interesting stories in more ways than one. Fellow photographer Brent Wellington had made a Facebook post about not being a real photo enthusiast unless one trespassed for a shot or had been pursued by the police. I totally concur.

For this shoot I decided to venture to a delapidated structure on my campus grounds and for some of the shots my model was shirtless. Little did I know that from outside he appeared to be nude, and that a call was made to Campus Police about...suspicious activity. Well long story short, policeman came, spoke rubbish and i dispelled him.

I really like this shoot because it's a divergence from my usual squeeky clean beauty stuff. I finally got to try out a grunge effect.